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Executive board

vision planning

A Course for Sorority Councils

Executive Board Vision planning is a 7-module course to walk individual officers & councils collectively through the pertinent stages of a leadership term! Through video lectures, reflective worksheets, and facilitated discussions, leaders will develop clarity and direction for their position. 

We built this course to provide council & chapter officers direction and insight into critical issues as they embark on their leadership position.

Executive Board Vision Planning is designed to enhance each member's leadership and unite the board collectively to inspire change for the sorority community!

Course Overview

pink text messgae boxes

Module 1: Vision and Collaboration

January Timeframe

This module focuses on individual officer and collective board goals. The executive board will identify a clear purpose for the council and finalize the calendar to reflect the priorities of the community.

silhouttes of women with their hands raised in celebration

Module 2: Chapter Engagement

February Timeframe

With a united vision for the upcoming year, it's time to get the chapters on board! We'll strategize how to educate chapters on council initiatives and cultivate a positive Panhellenic culture among chapter members.

girl power being written with marker

Module 3: Recruitment Ready

March Timeframe

We'll deep dive into all roles in primary recruitment: recruiter responsibility, recruitment counselor mentorship, potential new member experience, and Panhellenic executive board oversight. This module will also outline strategies to increase recruitment registration through marketing efforts starting now.

clock face with minute, second, and hour hands

Module 4: Sustaining Momentum

April-May Timeframe

Before we head into finals and summer plans, we'll assess expectations and responsibilities of officers and chapters over the break. We'll implement ways to maintain the value of the Panhellenic experience for when we return to campus!


treasure map

Module 5: Reviewing Your Vision

September Timeframe

So you've survived recruitment! This module provides an opportunity for the council to reset and ensure that the goals set at the beginning of the year are executed. Discussions will also include opportunities to redirect focus if necessary.

megaphone shouting the future is female

Module 6: So Who's Next?

October Timeframe

In this module, we explore a commonly overlooked component of the officer role: identifying strong candidates and empowering these emerging leaders to apply for council leadership. We will discuss the value of calling out strengths in our Panhellenic sisters and preparing the future of our council .


Module 7: Pass the Gavel

November - December Timeframe

As your term comes to an end, we'll discuss the accomplishments and growth opportunities of your council's term and opportunities you would love to see the next team grow. By giving an honest assessment of the year, your council will ensure a successful transition of officers.  

Cassie Little posing outdoors with hands on hips



Cassie Little        

Since I joined my sorority 6 years ago, I have had a vision of a greater, restored sorority experience. My experience in leadership roles such as Panhellenic delegate, chapter president, and Panhellenic VP gave me framework of how I can improve my sisters' experiences. After working with sorority women professionally, I founded Her Sorority Journey to provide you, as a newly elected sorority officer, exactly what you need to THRIVE in your role. Everything we create has you at the front of mind. Know that this course was designed to serve you, exactly where you are in your sorority journey!

get started!

Start Your Journey

Individual Officer

Enroll on our Teachable platform

7 payments of $30


1 payment of $200 (Save $10!)

Chapter or Panhellenic Council

Set up a time to connect with Cassie to learn how you can save when you enroll your team of newly elected officers!

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We are on a mission to elevate the sorority experience by empowering leaders to understand their impact + use their voice.

Thanks for inviting us to join you on your sorority journey.

We believe in the power of the sorority experience to develop strong leadership skills and cultivate meaningful community for women to thrive in college.

Connect with Cassie about partnering with Her Sorority Journey for your next event!

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